OpenYear of origin: 2022
Posted online: 2024-10-20 03:43:46Z by Tomas Kojar20
Cite as: P-241020.2
In the article [1], they study the KP-II equation: the function $\phi(t,x,r)=\partial_{r}^{2}\log(F)$ satisfies
or in the Hirota-form
with the following initial data (see example 1.6): first consider the space of upper semicontinuous functions
$$UC=\{h:\mathbb{R}\to [-\infty,\infty): \text{ h is upper semicontinuous}, h(x)\leq A+B|x|, A,B>0, h\not\equiv -\infty\},$$ we then fix some $h_{0}(x)\in UC$ and set
$$\phi(0,x,r):=0,\text{ for }r\geq h_{0}(x),~~~~~,\phi(0,x,r):=-\infty,\text{ for }r< h_{0}(x).$$
The research problem is to prove well-posedness of this initial value problem.
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Edited: (general update ) at 2024-10-20 04:00:34Z
Created at: 2024-10-20 03:43:46Z View this version
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