Graph product of multifuncoids

OpenYear of origin: 2018

Posted online: 2018-12-01 21:01:03Z by Victor Lvovich Porton18

Cite as: P-181201.12

  • General Topology
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Problem's Description

Conjecture Let $ F $ is a family of multifuncoids such that each $ F_i $ is of the form $ \lambda j \in N \left( i \right) : \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) $ where $ N \left( i \right) $ is an index set for every $ i $ and $ U_j $ is a set for every $ j $. Let every $ F_i = E^{\ast} f_i $ for some multifuncoid $ f_i $ of the form $ \lambda j \in N \left( i \right) : \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) $ regarding the filtrator $ \left( \prod_{j \in N \left( i \right)} \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) ; \prod_{j \in N \left( i \right)} \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) \right) $. Let $ H $ is a graph-composition of $ F $ (regarding some partition $ G $ and external set $ Z $). Then there exist a multifuncoid $ h $ of the form $ \lambda j \in Z : \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) $ such that $ H = E^{\ast} h $ regarding the filtrator $ \left( \prod_{j \in Z} \mathfrak{F} \left( U_j \right) ; \prod_{j \in Z} \mathfrak{P} \left( U_j \right) \right) $.

  1. BookIs an originAlgebraic General Topology. Volume 1

    year of publication: 2018fulltext

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  • Created at: 2018-12-01 21:01:03Z