Hopf's lemma for a class of fractional singular/degenerate PDE-s

OpenYear of origin: 2015

Posted online: 2018-05-29 17:18:20Z by Henrik Shahgholian199

Cite as: P-180529.1

  • Analysis of PDEs

Problem's Description

How can we prove Hopf's boundary point lemma, in $C^{1,Dini}$-type domains, for fractional singular/degenerate PDE-s.

This was done for standard singular/degenerate PDE-s in reference [1].

  1. ArticleIs an originHopf's lemma for a class of singular/degenerate PDE-s

    Hopf's lemma for a class of singular/degenerate PDE-s. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 40 (1), 475-484, 2015arXiv

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  • Created at: 2018-05-29 17:18:20Z