Schiffer's conjecture

OpenYear of origin: 1929

Posted online: 2018-05-22 12:29:33Z by Henrik Shahgholian1040

Cite as: P-180522.1

  • Analysis of PDEs
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The Pompeiu problem states that if the integral of a nonzero continuous function on $\mathbb R^n$ vanishes on all congruent copies of a bounded Lipschitz domain $K$ then the domain is a ball. The problem can be reformulated in terms of PDEs: Suppose $v$ solves $$ \Delta v + \lambda v = \chi_{D}, \ \hbox{in }\mathbb R^n, \qquad v=0 \ \hbox{outside } D, $$ for some domain bounded domain $D$. Here $n\geq 2$. Is $D$ a ball?


The problem is connected to Schiffer's conjecture, and generally to free boundary problems.

See the video: for some modified version of the conjecture and a finite element approach.

Problem's Description

Let $u$ solve $\Delta u+k^2u=0$ in $K$, with $u=0$, $|\nabla u|=1$, on $\partial K$, where the latter is a compact Lipschitz domain in $\mathbb R^3$ Then $K$ is a ball.

  1. ArticleIs an originSur certains systèmes d'équations linéaires et sur une propriété intégrale des fonctions de plusieurs variables

    Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences. Série I. Mathématique, 188, 1138-1139, 1929

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  • Created at: 2018-05-22 12:29:33Z